National Volunteer Week falls in April every year, so it seems appropriate to take this month and celebrate Grant and the countless others who give so selflessly of their time and talents to Joy’s House – helping to put on events, spending time with our Guests, keeping our spaces tidy, and in so many other...
Editor’s Note: In the spirit of our March 2019 celebration and reunion focus – Pilot Programs and Academic Relationships – we’d like to introduce you to Joy’s House University, an exciting new initiative meant to further engage our Guests and enrich their time at Joy’s House.  Pilot programs are exciting, a little bit of the...
March has us celebrating our academic partnerships and pilot programs implemented at Joy’s House throughout the years. We can think of no one better to represent this special month than Dr. Ellen Miller. Currently the associate Provost of Research, Graduate Programs, and Academic Partnerships; Executive Director, center for Aging and Community; and the DeHaan Endowed...
This month, we honor members of current and past Joy’s House committees. Their dedication and support have helped make us who we are through involvement in areas of marketing, finance, quality of service, development, governance, community connections, human resources, and other areas of need. Their expertise and enthusiasm has shined through smaller fundraising events, such...
January 30, 2019
Over the past 20 years, we have cared for some of the spunkiest women and kindest men that we’ve had the pleasure to meet.  While we spent 40+ hours a week with these men and women, learning about the past that was forgotten due to Alzheimer’s or has become too weak due to Parkinson’s or...
Celebrating Caregivers: As we kick off our 20th year, we begin by celebrating caregivers during the month of January. It seems fitting to have these three ladies representing this month, as they were three of the first to participate in Caregiver Support Services at Joy’s House. We’re honored to have supported Pauline, Connie and Mwandishi...
January 21, 2019
Over the last few months we’ve been working on a project called Gifts from the Guests. This has allowed us to bring local artists, volunteers, our Guests and staff together to collaborate on making unique pieces of art that we will share as gifts with special friends and supporters in the Indianapolis community, and beyond....
  A Note from Tina: Joy’s House turns twenty this year! Wow. When I was a child, someone seemed super old when they turned twenty.  They weren’t a kid anymore and they had new responsibilities in life.  They had most definitely done some things by the time they were twenty and they were looking at...
Miss Catherine hasn’t been able to see clearly for a long time. As a matter of fact, she lost her sight, regained her sight, and lost it again. She was both with cataracts and had her first of many surgeries when she was around five years old. Time went on, she attended school and after...
The need to protect our information is as high as ever before.  Placing a security freeze on your credit is a great place to start (learn more about the process here), but there are additional ways to remain safe.   Colonel Ali Sonmez of the US Army, recently joined us on Caregiver Crossing to share...