About joannalowe

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So far joannalowe has created 125 blog entries.

Miss Elizabeth

By |2024-08-13T16:07:27-04:00September 5th, 2019|

By Corrina Thompson, Community Relations Manager at Joy’s House

This is part my story, and part Miss Liz’s story…

Twenty years ago, my sister Tina

Ode to Joy

By |2024-08-13T16:13:00-04:00April 3rd, 2019|

By Margherita Firenze ‘19 and Maria Grant ‘19
Article originally appearing in The Park Tudor Times Online

For the past three semesters, Ode to Joy has brought the joy of music to the guests

Celebrating Volunteers

By |2024-08-13T16:10:26-04:00April 1st, 2019|

National Volunteer Week falls in April every year, so it seems appropriate to take this month and celebrate Grant and the countless others who give so selflessly of their time and talents

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